中等部1年生から高等部2年生まで、帰国生入試入学者(英語選択)や、CEFR上位級取得者(帰国生・一般生問わず)を対象とした取り出し授業を実施しています。Foreign Language Teacher(FLT)による少人数制の授業で、全日本高校模擬国連大会などの外部コンテストへの参加や、海外大学進学を視野に入れた授業内容です。取り出し授業への参加の意思は毎年確認します。原則として、年度途中での移動はできません。

取り出し授業の 時間数 |
対象(該当学年に上がる前に以下の条件を満たしていることが条件) | |||
帰国生入試入学者 (英語受験・英語資格利用) |
CEFR B1レベル程度 (帰国生・一般生問わず) |
CEFR B2レベル程度 (帰国生・一般生問わず) |
中1 | 週6時間 (うち1時間は日本人の英語教員による授業) |
○ | ○ (入学前の3月インタビュー試験あり) |
中2 | 週5時間 | ○ | ○ (インタビュー試験あり) |
中3 | 週3時間 | ○ | ○ (インタビュー試験あり) |
高1 | 週4時間 | ー | ー | ○ (インタビュー試験あり) |
高2 | 週4時間 | ー | ー | ○ (インタビュー試験あり) ※他教科の成績基準もあり |
CEFR B1レベルの目安・・・・英検2級、TOEFL Primary Step2 226点、TOEFL Junior 750点、TOEFL iBT 42点 程度
CEFR B2レベルの目安・・・・英検準1級、TOEFL Junior 800点、TOEFL iBT 72点 程度

Junior High as of 2021-2022 school year:
In the junior high school program, we focused on building students’ critical thinking skills through an equal emphasis on the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
We started the year with novel study to help nurture empathy by reading books about characters that the students can relate to and characters that live differently than the students.
From September, we moved on to the 4 skills textbooks that are often used in universities to build on the topics they learned studying abroad. The books use an interdisciplinary approach so students are learning science, psychology, and sociology among other subjects.

Hand-in-hand with critical thinking was the teaching of 21st-century digital skills. Students this year did more than give slideshow presentations, they used a wide variety of digital tools from mind-mapping to graphic design to making videos.
Jason May
Junior High School English Department Foreign Language Teacher Head
Senior High as of 2021-2022 school year:
This was a two-year curriculum designed to build on an already established understanding of the English skills from junior high school and further develop an interest in using English in an academic setting.
The curriculum began from the senior high first year with a focus on learning and understanding English through fictional novels. Students learn to identify and discuss important aspects of the texts and their relation to the world we live in today as well as learning the various literary elements introduced in the novels. At the end of the second term, students had gained the ability to write and publish their own short novels.

As a second-year student, the focus moved from literary aspects and elements to more of an academic reading and writing program. The writing strategies that were taught were similar to writing strategies used in universities. The goal for students by the end of the second term was to feel confident in writing a research paper that is on par with most university expectations.
In addition, classes are often student-led providing them with the opportunity to get the most out of their lessons. We are not only building responsible students but also responsible young adults.
Darin Harrell
Senior High School English Department Foreign Language Teacher
帰国生の声 〜取り出し授業について〜
What is great about our Advanced Class? There are many reasons but here are a few. First, there are so many opportunities to speak English in our class. By discussing the topics covered in our textbook, we can strengthen our vocabulary and learn different perspectives as well. Next, the listening we do is at a very high level. The speed and topics are much more difficult than what we study in our usual class. Would you like to become a writing master? Every unit we study has an essay task and we are required to meet certain requirements. Finally, we do a lot of reading in our class. The novel we studied gave us a lot of chances to work together to discuss the themes.

高等部3年生 M.Yさん・S.Tさん・T.Aさん
ICS(International Communication Space)での学び
Foreign Language Teacher(FLT)による、よりアカデミックに深化したプログラムが2022年度より運営されています。参加費はすべて無料です。
- Homestay Program
・・・ホームステイに参加する生徒が必要な表現を学ぶ活動 - EIKEN Practice
・・・英検3級以上の面接試験(インタビューテスト)の対策 - Private Lessons
・・・FLTやJETと日常会話や趣味の話など自由に話すレッスン - DCG Academy
