
Movie Mayhem! (English Room)

Over the last week, students have been visiting the English Room after school for a frighteningly fun afternoon. Together we enjoyed watching “Monster’s Inc.” and “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”. At times, some of the characters spoke very quickly, but I was impressed by how much the girls were able to understand. It was also wonderful to see the students talking together in order to figure out what each character was saying and what might happen next. Many laughs and scares were had by all. This week, we will be moving on to EIKEN practice, so Jason, Katie, and I encourage everyone to come down to the English Room and sign up to practice for the upcoming interview!

(概訳)先週は生徒と一緒にハロウィーンにちなんだ映画を見ました。登場人物の中には早口な人もいますが、生徒たちの理解度に感動しました。それぞれの登場人物が何を言っていたのか、次に何が起こるのかを知ろうと、生徒たちは互いに相談しており、素晴らしかったです。今週からは英検の練習も始まります。ジェイソンとケイティ、私と一緒に、2次試験の対策に来てください!(ALT Samantha)