
New Year’s Resolutions and Fortunes! (English Room)

All of us here at the English Room would like to welcome back our wonderful students to a brand new year and an exciting new chapter at Denen Chofu! To celebrate 2017, we’ve been making special “omikuji” for the girls who come to visit us at the English Room. Girls can get advice for the New Year, and find out their lucky words and numbers from these special fortunes. This year, we also brought in a tradition from our own culture which is to make New Year’s resolutions. Students can write down their goals and aspirations for 2017 on printable shooting stars for us to proudly display on our walls. We hope that our students can stay motivated and achieve their goals in 2017!

(概訳)2017年を祝うために、English Roomでは英語のスペシャルおみくじを用意しています。今年のアドバイスや、ラッキーワード、ラッキーナンバーを知ることができます。また、生徒は新年の抱負や目標を書いて壁に掲示しています。みんなの願いが叶いますように!(ALT Samantha)