
Diary from Canada  ( Day 9 )

“Welcome to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA”




 ここは、”PEACE ARCH PARK”。アメリカとカナダの国境に両国の友好の証として建てられた真っ白なアーチがある公園です。


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 <8月9日(水)の’Home Stay Journal’より…>

Today I went to the study center and to a park near the American border.  It was a lot of fun!  And I went to a supermarket.  I bought some snacks.  They were some presents for my family and my friends.  I feel I have got along better with our buddy.

( S. H )

I went to Peace Arch Park.  So I went to America!  It was a good experience for me.  After that I threw around a Frisbee with my friends and our buddies.  It was a lot of fun.  Tomorrow I am going to go to Gastown.  I’m looking forward to visiting it.

( Y. F )

I went to the Peace Arch Park.  So I was in the U. S. A. for ten minutes.  I wanted to be there longer.  I went to a store.  And I saw many clothes and things that would be good for gifts.  I had a very nice time.

( M. K )
