Welcome to our English Room!
- 英語を活かすプログラム
本校には9月より、ALT(Assistant Language Teacher)としてカナダよりサマンサ先生が赴任しています。それに伴い、本校のイングリッシュルーム(別名ドリームルーム!)もとても活気付いています。本日はサマンサ先生が、とある日のイングリッシュルームの様子をレポートします。
The English Room, also known as the D.R.E.A.M. Room, is now open for all Den-en-Chofu students to visit during lunch as well as after school! Here, students are given the opportunity to sharpen their speaking, reading, and writing skills. Today’s special event featured a one-on-one TOEFL Practice session. Senior high school students who want to study abroad came to the English Room and were given unique lessons and resources depending on their current testing level and their desired area of improvement. This session made learning English fun and engaging as students were provided with a special chance to build upon the foundation of their English skills by freely conversing and working with native speakers.
(ALT Samantha, 英語科 相馬)