
模擬国連準備(English Room)

English Roomでは、数週間前から高2の有志の生徒が集まって模擬国連の準備をしています。水曜日に行われたスピーチの予行は、それまでの努力を思わせる感動的なものでした。生徒たちは、英語らしい発音のしかたをネイティヴ教員たちに教わり、完璧に覚えられるまで練習していました。今週日曜の模擬国連では、その努力が報われるといいですね!

For the past couple of weeks, a group of H2 students have been working very hard in order to prepare for the upcoming Model United Nations Conference. They have been meeting Rob, Jason, and Ms. Shibao in the English (D.R.E.A.M.) Room to talk about various aspects concerning the conference this Sunday. I had the chance to watch their meeting on Wednesday and I was very impressed by their dedication towards improving their speeches. They worked tirelessly in order to perfect their pronunciation and to memorize their speech. I believe that all of their hard work will pay off and that they will have a wonderful and rewarding Model United Nations Conference.  (英語科Samantha, 西尾)
