
End of the School Year (English Room)

Spring is just around the corner and with that, another year at Denen Chofu Gakuen comes to a close. Another usual week in the English (D.R.E.A.M.) Room has passed by. Students have stopped in to practice their English, to ask questions about their homework, and to play some fun English Games. There have also been a few senior students who have come by to say their last goodbyes to us. All of the students that we have come to know through classes and through their visitations to the English Room have become very dear to Jason and myself. We have immensely enjoyed getting the opportunity to see how they have grown. They have all worked so hard to become competent English speakers and we hope that they will continue to strive to do so in the future. To all the graduating student, we wish you the best of luck in the future. To all of the returning students, have a lovely spring break and we look forward to teaching you in the future!

本日、高等部の卒業式が行われました。先週のEnglish Roomでも、卒業生がお別れを言いにくる様子が見られました。その多くが授業と授業外(English Roomなど)の活動でネイティブと親交の深かった生徒でした。田園調布学園での学びを生かして、世界にはばたく皆さんの様子が目に浮かびます。皆さんのますますのご活躍・ご発展をお祈りします。

さて、中等部1~3年生と高等部1・2年生は明日から定期考査が始まります。先週は、英語の質問に訪れる生徒や、勉強の息抜きにゲームを楽しむ生徒などさまざまな利用が見られました。いい結果が出せるといいですね!(英語科 Samantha, 西尾)


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