
Camp completed, but we’ll keep studying English!

 On the final day we had a skit presentation.  Every team had spent lots of time for this day.  Some girls had a heated argument about the story with their teacher.  Others prepared a lot of handmade stage properties. Everyone tried very hard to make her play better.

 Then we had closing ceremony.  Each girl got a certificate from their team teacher.  Listening to the native teachers’ comments, we were surprised to know how carefully every native teacher had watched each student. We cannot thank them enough.  They were really fantastic teachers.

The four-day English Camp was over. However, we are sure that girls will keep studying English with this wonderful experience in their mind.  Here are some comments from the questionnaire about English Camp.

 Q How do you feel about studying English now? (They can choose either of English or Japanese to answer this.)

A英語が話せるとたくさんの人と会話が出来て視野が広がると思うのでこれからもがんばりたい・勉強しろと言われてするよりも、先生と話したいから調べたりするのが良いと思った ・英語を話したり書いたりすることが癖になった・もっと勉強したい・英語が前より好きになり、一層力を入れて勉強していこうと思った・前よりは話せるようになったし、話してみないと学べないと思った・The camp was very instructive.・It was fun.

 (Yamamoto and Hirafuku)
