

  •  3日目は、2時間目の授業が終わってからエスプラナードと言う海際を日本語の授業をとっているSt. Mary‘sの生徒と歩きました。お天気も良く、皆で記念撮影をした後は、レストランで一緒にランチをいただきました。日本人の生徒同士の英語にもだいぶ慣れてきたようです。

次は、ホームステイ・ジャーナル(生活記録) からの文章です。

My host family are very kind to me.  We ate a fish and chip.  I like it.  Tomorrow we will have a sport class and a Japanese class.  I am looking forward to tomorrow’s classes.  ( M. U )

Tonight we had a BBQ!  I had so much fun! I spoke to my friends much more today than yesterday.  But I still think it difficult to hear and speak English.  ( C. M )
At the sixth period today I played ball fame with my buddy and my buddy’s friend.  I had fun!  ( R. A )
I was able to hear my buddy’s and her friend’ talk.  I helped my buddy with her Japanese homework.  I spoke to her friends a little, so I was happy!  And we talked about Harry Potter.  ( K. H ) 
(引率  櫻井・兼子)