
日本語の授業の様子 オーストラリア・ホームステイ第9日目

  1. 生徒たちは、様々な授業に参加しており、特に数学は取り組みやすいようです。宗教、歴史、音楽、演劇、科学、美術なども、言葉は難しいながらも楽しんでいます。日本語クラスの写真を紹介します。

今日の日本語の授業は、会話練習をSt. Mary’sの生徒たちと本校の生徒でローテーションしながら行った後、日本の食べ物を伝言ゲーム形式で伝え、最後の生徒がおもちゃのガンで黒板に掲示しているその食べ物を撃つというものです。Year 9の日本語クラスは男子が多く、大いに盛り上がっていました。



今日のジャーナルには、滞在があと少しなので時間を大切にしたいと言う記事がありました。 一部を以下に紹介します。また、今日のホームフォームでの動画を本校ホームページ「在校生・保護者の方へ」中等部掲示板にアップしますので関係者の方はご覧ください。

 (引率  櫻井・兼子)

Today was a very busy day. I had a lot of classes of difficult subjects. But today was a good day.

( H. A )

I helped my buddy’s sister with her homework. She studies multiplication. I enjoyed teaching. After doing the homework, I watched TV. It was exciting.

( A. I )

I made a thank-you card after school today. I have not finished it yet. But I can make something good for each person.

( C. S )

Today I talked with a lot of students. I talked about Japanese with them. And my buddy likes Japanese very much. So I taught her about Japan. Her Japanese is very good. I want to learn more about Australia!

( C. N )

I had math class twice because I had my buddy’s and her sister’s class in one day. The content of her sister’s class was easy. But that of my buddy was difficult. I watched the moon, Jupiter, and a lot of other stars through a telescope. They were very beautiful.

( M. S )

After school, I played with my buddy’s brother, her sister and her in her yard. I enjoyed myself. But I was really tired.

( R. M )

I enjoyed school today. After school, I went to the shopping mall. and I saw a lot of shops there. I played a card game with my host family at night. I taught them two Japanese games. Probably I will play them tomorrow, too. I will have a Japanese class for the first time tomorrow. I want to enjoy

(K. K )