
St.Mary’s Report 〜オーストラリア・ホームステイ第10日目

  • ホームステイも残すところあと4日、学校ではあと3日です。Thank-you cardをお世話になった友達や先生に渡す準備も万端。英語での会話にもすっかり慣れて、ホームフォームでも日本語は聞こえません。

さて、今日は生徒たちの通う St. Mary’sの紹介です。カソリックの共学校で全校生徒は約900名。今学期にちょうど図書館がリニューアルされてとても快適な空間になっていました。中では生徒たちが英語の授業を受けたり、調べ物をしたりしており、本校の生徒も混じって授業を受けていました。写真は図書館の入り口の様子です。



  • 日本語の先生はメリッサ先生とダニエル先生。写真はダニエル先生です。生徒たちがとてもお世話になりました。今日の日本語の授業は、二人の会話を映像に撮るものでした。写真はその時の様子です。動画も「在校生・保護者の方へ」に入れますので、関係者の方はご覧ください。



(引率  櫻井・兼子)

I am getting the ability to understand spoken English little by little.  But I cannot speak it yet. I do not understand it yet.  I went to the big park with my buddy and her brother.  There were a lot of playground equipment there which I had never seen. 

( O. U )
Today I had two Japanese classes for year 8.  They were so powerful and practicing Japanese pronunciation hard.  I was very glad.  After school, I watched “Bohemian Rhapsody” for my first time.  It was a very good movie.  Tomorrow we are going to do some sports.  Yeah!!
( H. M )
I cooked a risotto at hospitality class.  I cut some vegetables.  It tasted very good.  I wanted to buy this one.  I took a math class. I could not understand a question.  But my friend taught it to me.  Finally I was able to understand it.  She was very kind. SMCC students are very kind. Many people talked to me.  I was happy.
( M. M )
I wrote some thank-you cards. When I was writing them, I was so sad.  I decided that I would have more fun on another day.
( C. M )
Today I played basketball, too. My buddy’s brother is good at it. There was Japanese class at school today.  We taught how to do origami.  It was fun!
( R. A )
My host family and I watched a survivor show on TV.  They like it. It was funny.  My favorite member is Luke.  But it is shown only in Australia. so I am sad.
( K. H )
After school I ate some chicken soup, cheese pie and serial! Today my host dad made a forest fire.  He is a ranger.  A forest fire is important to plants.  When I heard this, I was very surprised. Tomorrow Maki and I are going to distribute our thank-you cards.  I am afraid of my farewell party speech because it must be learned by heart within two left days.  I am very very very nervous before it.
( M. U )