
J1 Read & Watch

Today in the English room, the J1 students enjoyed reading The Tale of Peter Rabbit in English. It is a difficult book filled with many new words, but the students were excited to challenge themselves. They were able to watch and listen to a famous actress read the story first by using a program called “Storyline Online”. Then they were able to practice their own pronunciation skills as they read it aloud. I was happy to see everyone enjoying the video and the story!

English Roomでは、ピーターラビットのReadingのイベントを行っています。知らない単語をペアで推測しながら読み、音読の練習も行います。中1の生徒は、英語を学び始めて半年が経ちましたが、引き続きEnglish Roomを訪れ、積極的に英語に触れています。(英語科 Samantha, 西尾)