
Movie Night (English Room)

This has been a special week in the English Room as our room was transformed into a special movie theater! The theater was open to J1 students on Monday and Tuesday and to J2 students on Friday. Everyone gathered around the big screen and watched Disney’s “Rapunzel” in English. They were able to enjoy a bowl of popcorn as they watched the film. I hope the students enjoyed this relaxing way to listen and discover new English words and sounds.
English Roomでは、先週「ラプンツェル」の映画鑑賞を行いました。中1と中2の有志が参加し、全編英語で映画を楽しみました。ポップコーンも振る舞われ、リラックスしながら英語に親しむ様子が見られました。(英語科 Samantha, 西尾)