
Happy Halloween!

今月のEnglish Roomではハロウィーンをテーマに、クイズやゲームなどさまざまな活動を行います。本日のブログでは、生徒によるハロウィーンの飾りつけの様子をALTサマンサがお伝えします。

Hello everyone! My name is Samantha Ortibus and I am the new Assistant Language Teacher at Den-en-chofu. I have just moved to Tokyo from Ontario, Canada. I love teaching and learning languages and so I look forward to a very enriching experience here at this school. I hope that my students will enjoy the challenges and rewards presented to them by learning English.


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This month is a very special time for the D.R.E.A.M. Room! Jason, the students, and I have been preparing for a very spook-tacular Halloween celebration. Many J1 students have been coming into the D.R.E.A.M room at lunch and after school to enjoy English songs while they hang pumpkin streamers and fake spider webs. After decorating, Jason and I played new Halloween games with the students. These ghostly games test student’s vocabulary as well as their communication and writing skills. Time spent in the D.R.E.A.M. Room during October will encourage students to think internationally as they discover how different cultures celebrate Halloween and how their traditions differ from Japan’s traditions.(ALT Samantha)