Conversation Practice
- 英語を活かすプログラム
今週のEnglish Roomでは定期考査を控えた生徒のほか、定期考査のない高等部2年生の利用も多く見られました。スピーキング力は一人では鍛えるのが難しいですが、English Roomには毎日ネイティブ教員がいるため、いつでも英語で会話することができます。今日は高等部生対象のConversation PracticeについてALTが紹介いたします。
Conversational English is a very important thing to learn and to practice on a daily basis! In order to excel at speaking casually with a native English speaker, more than just solitary grammar review is necessary. Many high school students who have their goals set on using English in their future jobs or using English when they study abroad have come to the English (D.R.E.A.M.) Room in order to sharpen their speaking and listening skills. During these conversation practices, students pick out a topic card and chat freely about that topic with their friends and also with Jason and myself. I’m really excited when the students say that these conversations help them overcome their fear and anxieties towards speaking in English! I’m sure that if these high school students keep practicing their conversational English with us in the English (D.R.E.A.M.) Room, foreigners will be telling them, “WOW, your English is very good!” in no time! (ALT Samantha, 英語科 西尾)