
DCG Academy Has First Experiment in English

DCG Academy just finished their first week of experiments! From Monday, June 13 – Thursday, June 16, J1 students participated in the Magic Milk experiment. There were 54 students from the entire J1 grade, with Tuesday being the most popular having 23 students in attendance. The room was crowded but full of enthusiasm!

Before attending, the students did 4 online lessons to study the vocabulary and ideas we would use in the after-school experiment. They practiced Japanese science words that they are familiar with in English, such as hypothesis and experiment. Get a high score on the pre-lab quizzes, with many students receiving full points on each quiz. Great studying everyone!

teacher explaining to students how to make a lab report

At the experiment, the first task was to learn how to make a lab report in English. It was a simple form, but the students enjoyed thinking about the science process in English. Next, the students reviewed the vocabulary and began the experiment. Many students were happy to volunteer answers to the vocabulary questions that they had learned in the pre-lab lessons.

In pairs or trios, the students chose from low-fat or regular milk. Each group used an iPad to take videos and pictures throughout their experiment. Next, they filled a petri dish half full of milk. After that, they chose two colors of They were surprised and happy with the results! Do you think the food dye goes away from or toward the cotton swab? Ask a J1 student or try it at home to find out!

It was wonderful to see so many students become scientists in English. I hope they feel inspired to attend our next experiment in the fall.

Katie Taniguchi

teacher showing students how to perform the experiment

Students doing the experiment

今年度初のDCG Academy サイエンス実験講座が開講されました。月曜日から木曜日までに総勢54名の中1が参加し、「マジックミルク実験」を楽しみました。

Katie Taniguchi