
Halloween Celebration

今週のEnglish Roomでは、ハロウィーンクイズを行いました。
生徒はオールイングリッシュ(英語音声・英語字幕)でビデオを見て、わからないところはネイティブ教員に質問し、クイズに答えました。答えられた生徒は、English Passportにスタンプがもらえます。ALTのサマンサがクイズの様子をお伝えします。


During this week, the English (D.R.E.A.M.) Room is celebrating Halloween by watching sections of popular Halloween videos. The students are able to challenge their ability to listen and understand videos that are entirely in English. In order to help the students to better understand and enjoy what they are watching; Jason, Ms. Nishio, and I frequently pause the videos and talk with the students. We clarify certain phrases and expressions for the students so that they can familiarize themselves with casual English. We also offer a special review sheet based on the videos that they have just seen. Students can then enjoy working in pairs to work out the names of the characters, to answer trivia questions, and to express their opinions on the film. (ALT Samantha, 英語科 西尾)

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