
English Room Christmas Party

On Monday, December 19th, the English Room held its annual Christmas Party. There were many different stations for the students to enjoy. Activities placed at each station included writing letters to Santa, playing “Candy Cane Cards”, watching Christmas movies, and even making a take-home illuminated house! The room was “decked out” for the holiday. There were also fun, photo props that the students could pose with when taking their very own polaroid pictures! Many of the students were busy with club, but we are very thankful for the girls who made time in their schedules to visit our party and happily take part in the events. We would love to see more and more students visit us in the English room in the New Year! From everyone here in the English Room, we wish you a merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!


12月19日、イングリッシュ・ルームでは恒例のクリスマス・パーティが開かれました。生徒たちは、サンタに手紙を書いたり、”Candy Cane”というトランプゲームをしたり、クリスマスの映画を見たり、イルミネーションのついた家の模型を作ったりして過ごしました。イングリッシュ・ルームはクリスマス仕様に装飾され、サンタ帽などの小道具を身につけた生徒と一緒に、記念のポラロイド写真を撮ったりもしました!時間を作ってパーティに参加してくれた生徒に感謝しています。新年には、今以上にたくさんの生徒がイングリッシュ・ルームを訪れてくれたらと思います!みなさん、メリー・クリスマス!そして良いお年を!

(ALT Samantha, Katie)
