
Halloween Party (English Room)

Happy Halloween! Many J1 and J2 students came to the English Room to celebrate Halloween with Jason, Rob, Katie, and myself. We had various, spooky activities for the students to participate in. One of the activities that was a favorite with the students was “Fukukowai” which was our scary version of “Fukuwarai”. One student would cover her face with a scary mask while the other student would hand her parts of a face. Everyone enjoyed seeing skulls, jack-o-lanterns, and demons with silly faces. In another section of the room, we had monster mash sheets and monster bookmarks for the girls who wanted to get creative and make something. The students had a lot of fun following the instructions to make their own monster bookmark and drawing their own monsters. Of course, we also had a few short English videos to show the students to get them into the Halloween spirit. Jason, Rob, Katie, and I certainly had a wonderful time chatting and playing with the students. We hope they enjoyed the party just as much as we did!

10月31日にEnglish RoomではHolloween Party を行い、多くの中等部1年生、2年生が参加しました。ハロウィーン版の怖い「福笑い」や、ハロウィーンに関するビデオの視聴、自作のモンスターの絵を描いて英語で説明する”Monster Mash”など、様々な形で英語を楽しんでいました。(英語科 Samantha, 西尾)