
J1 English Room Welcome Party

English Roomではオリエンテーションを兼ねて、毎年Welcome Partyを行なっています。今年も多くの中等部1年生が参加し、簡単なゲームを通してネイティブ教員と会話を楽しみました。パーティの様子をお伝えします。

Our three-day English Room party is done! All students in J1 were invited to attend these exciting parties. Many students have come to our parties to try out some games and activities. They can use the English that they know to play familiar games like “Jenga” as well as some unfamiliar games like “Pokemon Battle”. During these activities, students have the chance to feel more confident about using English while having a lot of fun! They are able to use simple expressions to talk with us and with their friends. After the party ends, I hope all of the J1 students will be able to stay confident and use English with a loud voice. (ALT Samantha、英語科 西尾)