
Writing Workshop (English Room)

English Roomでは高校生向けにエッセイライティングのワークショップを行なっています。初回の様子を下にお伝えします。これからの成長が楽しみです!

During the month of May, we had two writing workshops in the English Room for H1, H2, and H3 students. These workshops focus heavily on formal writing for academic purposes. For our first workshop together, we learned how to quickly and efficiently form an opinion about any essay topic. Then, the students had their first chance to write their very own thesis statements. These valuable lessons can be applied to any essay or timed writing activity that the students must face in their own English classes. The next workshop will be held on June 14th and 26th. We will be discussing how to avoid redundancy and how to work quickly write body paragraphs. I hope to see many students at the next workshop as well. (ALT Samantha、英語科 西尾)