
English Camp Day3

The girls had debate matches in the morning. The topics were “students should wear school uniforms” and “Dance should be an Olympic sport”. For beginners, it’s very hard to understand what the opponent is saying. They not only understood the opponents’ arguments but also made great rebuttal! It may have been tough for many of them, but when they made themselves understood in English, they looked so confident.

At lunch time, we heard sad news: we wouldn’t be able to invite the Delta crew to dinner because of canceled flights due to the typhoon. We were so shocked to know about that, but it couldn’t be helped. The girls quickly got over the bad news and started their skit practice for the English drama contest tomorrow. They are going to make original stories based on old Japanese tales and perform them in English. This will be their last activity on this camp, so, they were so much into it!

After having a short break, the girls were very excited to do the Treasure Hunt Game. Their goal was to make a long English sentence after they searched the entire Meeting Center looking for 20 clues. To get the clues, they had to answer some English questions and challenge to pass 10 checkpoints where native teachers were waiting for them. They ran about the whole building with their teammates in order to win the first prize. How excited they were! The girls who came first looked so confident in themselves.

After dinner the girls continued practicing their English skits. We can’t wait to see their great performances!
