




また、日本の学校との違いについて、モーニング・ティーの時間があること、演劇(drama)など日本にはない科目があること、 一クラスの人数が少ないことなどを挙げていました。

ホームフォームの時間には、明日のさよならパーティーで歌う 「The whole new world 」の練習を会場で行いました。歌詞は日本で覚えてきました。明日は、ホスト・ファミリーの前で笑顔で歌ってほしいと思います。




(引率  櫻井・兼子) 

I ate some ice cream.  I bought it near the shopping center.  It was very delicious.  I went to the school tuckshop.  I bought a hamburger there.  It was very good.  It cost 4.5 dollars.  In Japan I can buy one for 1.5 dollars.  I ate some frozen yogurt. It was very delicious, too.  I ate it before going to school and after school.

( S. N )
Today it was a little rainy and cloudy.  I started to give a message to my buddy’s friends. And today I had English class.  It was the last for me.  But I forgot it.  But I was not able to give a message to anybody.  Maybe I can see my buddy’s friends somewhere, so that is OK.  In addition to that, I took a school bus for the last time today.  I gave a message to a lot of SMCC students, and they gave me a message.  Some girls hugged me.  I will miss them.  I gave a message to another school students, too.  But there was only one girl there.  I want to see some other people for two more days. And tomorrow it will be shorter than usual. I will miss my Australian students.  I will enjoy myself more!
( M. N )
Today, my host mother made fish and chips for us.  It was for the first time for me.  The taste was very delicious for me.  So it has become my new favorite food. My host mother makes something every day.  I think that I ate more than in Japan. Australians are always eating something!
( S. N )