7名の生徒の作品は、the ER-Central website.https://www.er-central.com/
Read-student writings-fiction で生徒たちの作品が読めます。

Last November the H1 advanced English class participated in NaNoWriMo a nationwide young writers program that started in the United States and expanded to the world which challenges students to write a novel in thirty days. We spent some time preparing in September and October. Then for the month of November they would add a little bit to their novels everyday. They worked very hard and as the month went on their word counts went up and up . They did an amazing job! They should be very proud of what they have accomplished. As their teacher I certainly was.
Some student comments:
“This is my first time to write a novel. At first, I was worried about how to make my novel well, but gradually I enjoyed thinking about characters, feelings, and so on. It was a valuable experience and so fun!”
– Chihiro Sato H1 2020-2021
“It took about 4 months from plotting my novel to publishing it. Sometimes I had difficulty in coming up with a new story development, however, I now feel a sense of accomplishment that I have finished my novel. I enjoyed working on it!”
-Yuri Watanabe H1 2020-2021
“Writing a novel was a big challenge for me. Coming up with a character, imagining the place, how the time passes… there were many things to think. It took me a lot of time but at one point, I started to enjoy thinking up new moves for the story. I was surprised and nervous when I heard I had to publish my book but it made me feel like I was a real writer. I wish I can use this experience in other ways when I grow up. It was a short time but I think it was a good experience for me.”
-Marina Ozaki H1 2020-2021
(English Department Darin Harrell)