
2021 AJEMUN Position and Policy Paper Meeting

On August 2nd, the Model UN club met in the first floor lounge to work on their Position and Policy Paper or PPP and Negotiation Paper or NP for the 2021 All Japan Educational Model United Nations or AJEMUN. AJEMUN is only open to high school students and This year we have 4 pairs of H1 students representing our school. The topic is for this year is “Child Labor”. Model UN representatives have to fill in a document about child labor and how it affects their country. This year our students are representing Bangladesh, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UK. AJEMUN is done mostly in Japanese so a social study teacher was gracious enough to help students with their PPPs and NPs. The next Model UN, Japanese Metropolitan Model United Nations or JMMUN is early next year ..Students from Junior High School and Senior High School are eligible to participate. (Jason May, English Department Native Teacher Head)


今週末開催予定である全国高校教育模擬国連大会のPPP(政策立案書)提出が迫っているため、今日は朝からメンバーが集まり、最終確認を行っています。ネイティブの教員、地理の教員からアドバイスももらいながら、自国の現状をリサーチ、分析し、国際社会に訴えたい自国の政策を自分たちの言葉でまとめました。本番前にもう一度集まり、公開討議のスピーチ練習をする予定です。(英語科 平福)