
2年ぶりの対面実施 第7回ジャパンメトロポリタン模擬国連大会に参加しました

On March 26 and March 27, seventeen Junior 1 and Junior 2 students participated in the 7th annual Japan Metropolitan Model United Nations or JMMUN. This year’s theme was Innovation x Renovation with the goal of thinking of new approaches to solve old problems. 


A typical Model UN conference is filled with speeches, debates, and consensus building leading to the writing of a draft resolution that is voted on by all the participants otherwise known as delegates.


While last year was all online, this year’s conference followed a hybrid model that saw the Intermediate and Advanced conferences held online. The beginner conference was in person and there were two committees, WHO and SOCHUM. 


The WHO committee worked on “Promoting Mental Well-Being in a Post-Corona World” and SOCHUM committee worked on “Protecting Female Refugees Against Sexual Violence”. 


Although these were topics the students were not overly familiar with, they worked hard with other groups to try and solve these important global problems.  


第7回ジャパンメトロポリタン模擬国連大会に、17名の中1中2生が参加しました。中学生にとっては、校外での対面の模擬国連は初めての経験でした。他校の生徒のリーダーシップ力、交渉力に驚きながらも、一国の大使としてできる最大限のことを考え、リサーチをし、他国の大使のスピーチに一生懸命に耳を傾け、2日間頭をフル回転させて参加しました。1日目の終わりには疲労感でぐったりであった生徒たちも、2日目の終了後には、やりきった達成感で誇らしげな笑顔を見せてくれました。学習体験旅行の関係で今回は参加できなかった高等部生も含めて、新年度も模擬国連同好会はさらに勢いのある活動を行っていきます。 (模擬国連同好会顧問 Jason May  平福かおり)