

朝、スタディセンターに向かうために歩いていると、通りすぎる人たちが “Good morning!”と笑顔で声をかけてくれる、フレンドリーで優しい人が多い国、カナダでのホームステイが9日目を迎えました。昨日に引き続き、時おり小雨が降り注ぐ天候です。まるで、あと数日で帰らなければならない我々を寂しがってくれているようです。

さて、今日の午前中はスタディセンターで授業を受けました。カナダで有名なものについて説明しているカードをスタディセンターの中で見つけて、そこに書いてある説明を読んで理解するという内容です。間にはゲームやグループワークの時間が散りばめられているので、お互いにコミュニケーションをとることで知識を定着させることができていました。授業は教室の中だけで行われるものではありません。廊下に出たり校舎の外に出たりして、身体を思う存分動かしながら学びを深めていくため、生徒たちは常に明るい表情で授業に参加しています。さらに、授業内で発言をしたりチャレンジしたりすると、先生たちが “Perfect!” や “Great!” という声かけをしてくれます。そういった経験の一つひとつが、皆の自信につながっているのだと感じました。



“ I said to my host mother, “ I would like to go to doll store.” She said, “We can do it.” I think if we have a little courage, we can do everything. I’ll continue to have more courage.”  (M.H)

“ In the bus, I talked with buddies and my friends. It was fun to talk with them. I talked about Japanese music, Japanese school and Canada school.”  (S.S)

“ I went to UBC and Gas town. I was surprised that there were many Japanese students in Gas town. We talked with them. I like the view and atmosphere of Gas town.”  (N.A)

“ We went to Gas town. We went to a photo spot in which famous MV was taken. We went shopping and I bought an eco shopping bag with Canadian design and maple tea.”  (K.T)

“ We arrived at UBC. UBC has much nature. Flowers are beautiful. The flowers of UBC were colorful. ”  (M.K)

“ I ate Nachos salad. It was very delicious. I will hear that receipt. I will make it for my family in Japan. ”  (C.U)

“ After coming home, I ate dinner and talked with my host family. They talked about many things. We will eat ice creams on Thursday and go camping this weekend. It will be fun and I’m excited. ”  (N.N)

“ After dinner, we made Dango with my host family. We used rice flour,  it was hard to make and it was not good taste. However, we enjoyed! During making Dango, host family teaches us English pronunciation. I felt if I learn more English words, I can understand. I will practice hard. ”  (S.O)

“ I played pickle ball. It’s similar to soft tennis. I could talk with many players of pickle ball. ”  (M.Y)

(引率教諭 郡・伊藤亮)