
Eager to Learn (J3 homestay program)

August 2, Cloudy

The girls had no trouble getting up, and showed a good appetite at the breakfast table. By 8:00, they were ready to roll! The Study Centre was just a 15-minute walk from the hotel, and it was nice and cool this morning.

There, the students basically take lessons in two groups throughout the program. Their “buddies,” college and middle school students, welcomed them and briefly introduced themselves. Now it was the girls’ turn. Everyone did it well with clear words and good smiles.

We kickstarted the program with a light outdoor activity. The instructors arranged cards in a line, each having a simple question in English. From each end came a student, flipping the cards and answering questions. They played rock-paper-scissors where they met, and the winner proceeded further while the loser was replaced by another player of her team. All the girls and their buddies cheered for their teams by calling the players’ names, and that was how they started learning one another’s names.

A more serious workshop followed in the classrooms. Each buddy sat with two girls and helped them with the tasks.

After having sandwiches, cookies and chips for lunch, the girls delivered speeches and presentations on Japanese culture. Those assigned to the job were a little nervous, yet happy to express their ideas through the material they had prepared. Other students also introduced the game named “daruma-san ga koronda (The Daruma Fell Over),” which is similar to the Western game called “Red Rights, Green Rights.” After the language-oriented activities, both our students and their buddies enjoyed these more physically-oriented games.

The highlight of the day, however, was the meeting with their host families. Around 3:40 p.m. families started arriving to pick them up. Some host mothers and fathers showed up on their own, while others appeared with a lot of little children. They must have had wonderful dinner over warm conversations!

チリワックの第2日目、生徒たちはぐっすり眠って心地よい目覚めを迎えました。涼しい朝の街を15分ほど歩いて研修先のスタディー・センターに向かい、学年、性別、特技も多様な素敵なバディーたちに迎えられました。ウォームアップに簡単な英語を用いたゲームをして気持ちもすっかりほぐれて教室でのレッスンが始まりました。バディーは生徒2人につき1人ついてくれるので、友達と一緒とはいえまさに英語漬けです。集中力を発揮した午前中の研修が終わり、ランチのあとは日本で時間をかけて用意した日本文化に関するプレゼンテーションです。学校生活や日本の通勤などの社会習慣、食べ物、昔話など生徒たちなりに様々な角度から身近な文化を紹介しました。つづいて「ダルマさんがころんだ」のゲームを紹介し、一緒にプレイしたところ、インストラクターから「これに似た遊びがカナダにもある」としてRed Rights Green Rightsというゲームが紹介され、そちらもみんなでプレイする即興の異文化交流が起こりました。4時前にはホスト・ファミリーのお迎えが到着し始め、生徒たちは待望の対面を果たして笑顔で”See you tomorrow!” と去っていきました。
