

今日は金曜日。いよいよ明日から週末に入ります。St. Mary’sでの生活も5日目となり、学校生活にもだいぶ慣れてきたようです。今日のHomeformでは、明日の遠足についての最終確認を行いました。ホスト・ファミリーにも自ら確認しなければならないと、生徒も真剣に聞いていました。


今日は、金曜日なので、先生方も、Staff Room(職員室)で、食品を持ち寄って、小昼食会を行います。コミュニケーションを大切にする文化を感じます。


I was able to say to my host family, “I will cook for you.”  My host family and I are going to buy some ingredients this weekend.  I can say only “yes” or “no” when I am asked something.  So I was happy to be able to talk actively with many students.

Last night my host father, Zsort made seafood fried rice for me.  He thought, “I missed rice.”  I thought so very much, so I was happy to eat it.  My buddy’s friends spoke very fast, but I understood a little. And they spoke to me.  One of them like *vegemite. She recommended vegemite to my friend and me.  We ate that, but we didn’t like it!  It was very very salty.



(引率 櫻井・西尾)